Sunday, July 12, 2009

lets twist again...

Over the weekend, Meg and I had the honor of attending our dear friend's wedding. Weddings are a great time to see friends, families and apparently belly dancers. That's right, one of Amber's friends got her what seemed to be a professional belly dancer. One of the things that was a little odd about this particular belly dancing was that someone at the dinner, early on in the dancing, decided to put a dollar bill in that ladies top. Now I don't particularly know proper BD etiquette, but I do feel that when dollar bills are being slipped into any type of outfit the situation seems to get pretty awkward. Anyway, the dancer was actually very entertaining so I hope you can share in my delight.


Kelly said...

Wow, 2 blogs in 5 days. Nice work... you learned to attach video. You'll be a pro blogger yet!

Kelly said...

Wow, I just watched the video... that quickly turned into a stripper act huh? It seemed quasi normal (not really), until she belly dancer picked a girl to dance with her. It further went downhill with the dollar bill... you guys have some interesting friends...

Craig said...

haha, she was actually a very talented dancer. She was in her 70's!