Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kennedy's Korner Part 1

I managed to catch Kennedy while she was eating lunch for quick sibling run down. I really tried to stay out of the silly category, but there is hope! For the first time an unsuspecting member of the family will be called silly. I don't really understand in Kennedy's mind what silly really means... maybe someday when she 25 (right around the corner Kelly) we can have a deep talk on the implications of the now common Applegate vernacular, "silly."

I hope you enjoy Kennedy's Korner. Its a special that Kennedy and I running on everyday issues that affect our daily lives... how Cass is the best and everyone is second... also that boy's are cameras? I think Kennedy got caught up in the moment, or maybe she is on to some deep philosophical point. Tell me what you think and go easy, I know the affects person needs some work. I'll get on Meg for that one...

Let me introduce you all to a man who man or may not need an introduction. This is Charlie Kelly from "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" an absolutely hilarious show on FX. The show is about 3 guys who own a dive bar in Philadelphia and tend to get into some trouble in the process. I must warn that most women tend to not enjoy this type of humor mostly because women do not have very good senses when it comes to humor. I said it. Anyway, check it out on hulu or fx.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

lets twist again...

Over the weekend, Meg and I had the honor of attending our dear friend's wedding. Weddings are a great time to see friends, families and apparently belly dancers. That's right, one of Amber's friends got her what seemed to be a professional belly dancer. One of the things that was a little odd about this particular belly dancing was that someone at the dinner, early on in the dancing, decided to put a dollar bill in that ladies top. Now I don't particularly know proper BD etiquette, but I do feel that when dollar bills are being slipped into any type of outfit the situation seems to get pretty awkward. Anyway, the dancer was actually very entertaining so I hope you can share in my delight.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The 4th Remembered

It was that time of year again. Time to gather friends, meet with family and most importantly, watch some fireworks. Meg and I decided to head north to the great state of Michigan. We were out on the lake and I think I managed to capture some good shots.

Meg and I did manage to get out and enjoy some time on the sunny beach... it was freezing, windy, and rainy. Boo hissssss

I call this one the floating sea creature.